Friday, April 23, 2010

Oaxaca, Mexico

Fellow retired art teacher Nancy Lyon and I enjoy
an annual gift exchange over the holidays at a favorite
restaurant.  This year it didn't happen till February!
Nancy was away over Christmas on a Craft World
Tour in Oaxaca, Mexico.  For me, December and 
January were jam packed with working and activities.
Nancy has travelled at least once a year for over 30 years
to places around the world with Craft World Tours.
She has been to Myanmar, India, Guatemala, Uzbekistan
and Ecuador to name a few.  Her home is adorned with 
the native crafts of the countries she has visited.

Here we are at the India House in Victor.  I look forward 
to seeing the incredible photos she takes of her journeys.
She has created many portrait paintings from the photos
of the artizans.

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