Thursday, January 27, 2011

Visit to Atlanta
We drove (yuck)-- I hate the long drive, but it's hard
to fly when we have loads of Christmas gifts and luggage 
for a month.  We planned a short hop to Florida or 
Charleston also.  We actually did make it to Charleston
for four days.

It was great seeing our son, Erik, Emily and the three 
grand kids.  We hadn't seen them since September and Ty, 
(7 mo) was crawling and pulling himself up, cruising along
the furniture and climbing stairs.  He is a charmer.  Adorable.  
And cuddly. He amuses his sisters, Anna and Taylor, with 
his antics.

Anna loved the painting set we gave her---also Taylor

Erik finished the basement, so now we have our own bedroom,
bath and family room to get some peace and quiet.  Yeah, right!!
With three kids in the house!!!  And the drum set in the basement.

It was an eventful visit.  First, Gary and I got the stomach virus
(sick for four days).  Erik got it too.  Then the Atlanta ice storm hit.
Schools were closed for the week and Emily got to stay home 
(her office shut down also).  She was happy about that.  But, the
last few weeks rolled along happily.  We also saw the animated 
children's film, Despicable Me four times!  I'm still not tired of it.

Loved every minute of baby sitting Ty.

Holiday Signing 
Lift Bridge Book Shop
December 11, 2010
Main Street, Brockport, New York

I joined fellow authors and illustrators from RACWI
at this book signing event.  I chugged down glasses of
cider and ate fistfuls of cookies (well, more than a few).

Joe Sottile greeted customers in his quirky, 
humorous way.  


Robert Snead had his display next to mine, so we did
a lot of catching up.  I hadn't seen him in a while.

Of course I browsed through books and bought a few gifts.

Vivian Vande Velde took a lot of photos, so here is the link
if you are interested in seeing more of the authors/illustrators
present.  Thank you, Vivian.