Sunday, November 23, 2008

Rochester Children's Book Festival
Nov. 8, 2008

This was my first experience as author/illustrator at this event. I was a volunteer for many years and loved being part of the excitement.  But, this year was different for me. What a thrill to sign books! This year topped them all for the number of people who attended. I was delighted to see many people that I had worked with years ago.  My camera was out for repair, so I don't have my own photos to post-- I have linked some other authors blog sites who have a marvelous record of the day---Vivian Vande Velde and Michelle Knudsen.

Thanks to all for organizing, setting up and attending to my every need. What a treat to be so pampered!
I did a reading and also a presentation. I brought paint and the kids mixed all different intensities and values of PINK.  Many participated in a group flamingo painting and did individual art pieces.  Two examples below.  One by Sydney, age 5, Pittsford, NY and the other by Sumaya, age 6, Clarkson, NY. 

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